Once upon an island - Green tourism
Welcome to "Once upon an island - Green tourism", the podcast that highlights ecotourism on small islands. They fascinate us with their promise of peace and freedom, but did you know that small islands are pioneer territories for a more sustainable development? Each week, the podcast gives a voice to islanders, in particular women, to develop a tourism that respects the environment. They live off the British, Greek, Tunisian coasts, or off the French, Croatian and Norwegian coasts. They share their innovations and experiments with us, concrete and inspiring solutions that can be transposed to other islands and continents. A podcast presented by Isabelle Han and Ingrid Blanchard produced by SMILO and FRAGÎLE PORQUEROLLES, with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation cofinanced by the European Union, and Erasmus +. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bienvenue sur « Once upon an island - Green tourism », le podcast qui met en lumière le tourisme durable sur les petites îles. Elles nous fascinent avec leur promesse de quiétude et de liberté, mais savez-vous que les petites îles sont les territoires pionniers d’un développement plus durable? Chaque semaine, le podcast donne la parole à des insulaires qui agissent pour développer un tourisme plus respectueux de l’environnement. Du large des côtes britanniques, grecques ou tunisiennes, en passant par les côtes françaises, croates et norvégiennes, ils nous partagent leurs innovations et expérimentations, des solutions concrètes et inspirantes transposables sur d’autres îles et sur les continents. Un podcast présenté par Ingrid Blanchard et Isabelle Han produit par SMILO et FRAGÎLE PORQUEROLLES, avec le soutien de la Fondation Anna Lindh cofinancé par l’Union Européenne, et Erasmus +.
10 episodes
#8- Mausund (Norway): An island at a turning point regarding its tourism strategy
Situated on a small group of islands located about 600km from Oslo on the northern coast of Norway, Mausund is a small fishing village in the municipality of Frøya in Trøndelag county. About 180 people are living in the village.Ma...
#7- St Honorat, l'île monastère (France) : comment concilier vocation monastique et attractivité touristique?
Située dans le sud de la France, dans le département des Alpes Maritimes, l’’île de St Honorat appartient à l’Archipel des Iles de Lerins.Joyau de la baie de Cannes avec sa proche voisine l’île Ste Marguerite, elle s’en disting...
Season 2
#6- Zlarin (Croatia) : How to find the right balance between attracting visitors within preserving the island’s soul?
In this episode, we are taking you to a confidential Croatian island. Many people have not even heard about this beautiful place, the treasure of the Sibenik archipelago and a pearl of the Adriatic sea…Known as the "green island" for ...
Season 2
#5- Porquerolles (France) : Tourisme de masse et hyper fréquentation estivale sont-ils compatibles avec le caractère unique et exceptionnel du site ?
Située dans le sud de la France, dans le département du Var, au large de la presqu’ile de Giens, l’’île de Porquerolles est la plus grande des 3 îles d’Hyères. Réputée pour ses plages de sable fin, ses eaux turquoise et transparentes, el...
Season 2
Episode 0
#4- Brownsea (United Kingdom) : How to keep the balance between desirable tourism, which induces economic development, and its status as a biodiversity sanctuary island?
If you are nature lover and sensitive to the conservation of biodiversity, Brownsea Island is the perfect place for an outdoor and adventurous experience. If you stay long enough on the Island, you may feel the special spirit that drives the...
Season 1
Episode 4
#3-Kerkennah (Tunisie) : Comment la valorisation des traditions et savoir-faire locaux peuvent-ils devenir une signature touristique différenciée ?
“Auprès de ce pays est, une île fort étroite, appelée Cyraunis ; elle a deux cents stades de long. On y passe aisément du continent ; elle est toute couverte d'oliviers et de vignes. Il y a dans cette île un lac, de la vase duquel les fi...
Season 1
Episode 3
#2-Paros (Greece) : How to find the right balance between tourism and real estate pressure and preservation of the island’s identity?
Paros is one the finest gems of the Cyclades islands crown. Once very famous for its marble from which a large number of statues from the antiquity were built, the Island is now known for a nice balance between beautiful sandy beaches an...
Season 1
Episode 2
#1-The archipel of Lastovo (Croatia): How to develop tourism within preserving the existing exceptional ecosystem of the island?
In this episode, we will explore the Croatian island of Lastovo, also known as the « untouched» or « hidden » Island. Currently economic activities are focused in traditional island sectors such as : agriculture, fishing and ...
Season 1
Episode 1